Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Making money working online- How to Earn Online via Freelancing Content Writing jobs on Freelance websites

5 Must-Follow Tips for Bloggers for Making Money Blogging While Working on various Freelance Platforms & Websites (about.com, Hub Pages, etc) 

If you have a passion for any kind of topic then there is a real potential for you to make money by blogging on freelance websites. There are many freelance content writing websites for bloggers, like eHow, Hub Pages, etc that are Known to be more than willing to pay freelancer writers like yourself for their own blogging content. Find here a list of top 10 content writing websites for bloggers.  Though, if you are a regular blogger then there are many ways to make good money out of it, like mentioned in this post - 5 means to make money blogging. Learn here about how to upgrade your blog creation or content writing skills.

Though, writing for Gig based Websites is more like selling your content writing services to others as a professional seller and you have to be good at promoting your store and services very well unless you get some good number of initial sales and some positive reviews about your services. Though if you are very dedicated and hard working you will find your way to success at micro job sites, like Fiverr and SEO Clerks, and iWriter.com where established writers are getting more than what they can really chew.  

5 tips: How to Make Money via Freelancing Job Websites for Freelance Writers Bloggers

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Your Blogger Blogspot Blogs -6 Basic Tips to Rank them Higher and 100s Free Ways to Promote a Blog

Detailed Tutorial, Notes, Techniques, and Useful Tips for Blogspot Blogs : 6 SEO and Blogging methods to promote your Blogspot Blogger Blogs

Blogger (previously known as Blogspot) is a rocking free platform for blogging owned by Google itself. Blogspot Blogs . There are millions of free blogs created using Blogspot. If you are serious about your Blogger blogs, then they have the potential and appeal to rank much higher in search engines. And, by default, your blogs on Blogspot get very good points for "Domain Authority" (DA) as your blog would inherit the main domain url of Blogger which is : www.yourblogname.blogspot.com You need to be regular, affirmative, consistent, and honest to be able to get success with your Blogspot or Blogger Blogs. 

Viewed daily by millions- The Famous Logo Icon of Blogspot Blogger 

Blogging is a famous activity for most users today and Blogspot has become one of the most widely used popular blogging platforms for the simple reasons that Blogger is Easy, Simple, Straight, Speedy, Lovely, Nice, Clean, Effective, Quite Searchable, of the Oldest, SEO Friendly, Unique, Reliable, Vast, and off-course FREE! . You can do a lot of things with blogging, for example selling products, building trust, building communication with other customers, and many other benefits. There are some great tools that you can use for supporting your blogging activity. You can use Blogger blogs as your favorite platform. After you create your blog, you should learn some methods to promote your own blog. Make sure that you understand some of these methods, so you can get a lot of visitors for your blog easily. These simple tips can be followed by all bloggers easily. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

5 Image Optimization Blogging Tips for Onpage SEO and Image Search Engine Traffic. Why and How to use

Image Optimization Tips: Why you must optimize every images you use in your website or blog? |
On-page SEO Benefits of properly optimized pictures attached to your blog posts. 

How to better optimize your blog post images using Alt tags and Meta codes. Optimization tools for images to be used for any content. 

Rank your blogsite even in Image search engines, like Google Images, flickr.com, picfog.com, pinterest.com, Stumbleupon.com, etc. Interesting and nicely optimized Images can help your blog in getting extra traffic and rankings. So, never ignore this aspect of your web, and always consider it important as it is also one of the very helpful tools used while promoting your blogs.   
This is another add-on post in the series of on-page Search Engine Optimization techniques to improve search engine rankings of any blog or website.

Whether you are blogging on Blogspot, Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, Tumblr, or any website made on PhP, Html, you must have noticed that images and pictures are a very integral part of any CMS (content Management System) Platform. That's why most of the popular CMS platforms provide special features for using images on your blog posts. Wordpress is one such platform where image optimization has found a special attention. You can not only easily use Alt, Title, Caption tags to your submitted images, but also SEO tags, such as Meta title+description+keyword tags as well.